František Ficek, Ph.D

Work Experience

02/2021 – present: Senior Producer, Videographer, Communications Specialist | Onewater

06/2023 – present: Analyst and videography consultant | World Bank

01/2015 – present: Researcher, Communication specialist | Charles University, Faculty of Science

06/2021 – 11/2023: Researcher, Data Manager | Škoda X

09/2017 – 12/2018: Project Manager & Report Architect, STEM/MARK

2014 – 2022: Global Education Lector & Analyst, Scouts and Guides: Global Active citizens

2014: Intern, assistant to the policy officer, Czech Forum for Development Cooperation

2011 – 2015: Tour guide, project coordinator, Kašperk Castle


Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science

BSc. in Demography and Social Geography

  • My bachelor study programme focused on demographic analysis of populations in Europe and in a lesser extent in other global regions, basics of social, economic, and political geography, as well as foundations of statistical analysis
  • Thesis: Regional Distribution of Development Aid in Cambodia, accessible here (in Czech only)

MSc. in Regional and Political Geography

  • During my master studies I further developed my quantitative and qualitative research skills and academically focused on development studies, political geography, and geopolitics
  • In my second year I joined a research team studying environmental health and sanitation change
  • Thesis: Interventions using Community-led total sanitation approach (CLTS) in developing countries: an analysis of practical experience, accessible here (in Czech only, but an article based on the thesis is accessible here)

PhD. in Regional and Political Geography

  • The reason why I continued on with my studies at the same department was simply because I had the oportunity to proceed with the research I started during my master
  • This allowed me to conduct two field surveys in the Indian state of Jharkhand and one in Ethiopia (though on this one I worked from home due to the pandemic)
  • Paper based on our 2016 research in Jharkhand can be accessed here

Stockholm University, Department of Geography

Erasmus study visit

  • To improve my GIS skills and gain a different international experience I spent six months studying at Stockholm University in Sweden